You spend days and nights on your property using a sink, toilet, and other means of wastewater disposal. But underneath it, all is a septic tank. You may not have given it a thought before, but it is important to take care of it for keeping your environment safe and healthy. Septic tanks mostly do not need any regular maintenance for quite a long time, but it is essential to take preventive measures so that you do not have to face any major problems in the future. Mistreatment or natural degradation can lead to severe problems and will require services from a professional septic service Chattanooga in order to get the septic system to its original working condition.
A septic tank is a large, underground tank used for the treatment of wastewater from homes or businesses that are not connected to a municipal sewage system. This tank is usually made of concrete, fiberglass, or plastic and is designed to hold and treat wastewater from the home or building.
It works by allowing wastewater to enter the tank from the building's plumbing system. The tank is designed to hold the wastewater long enough for the solids to settle to the bottom of it and for the oil and grease to float to the top. Liquid wastewater in the middle layer flows out of the tank and into the drain field for further treatment and disposal.
Septic tanks hold significance in our day-to-day life and need to be taken care of properly to make sure they are functioning correctly. Following are some tried and tested ways that can help you prevent septic tank problems:
Whatever you put into your home’s drains and toilets, eventually ends up in the septic tank. If you keep a tab on what and how much you use (especially non-biodegradable substances), it will help in avoiding any overflow or blockage problems. Too much of something, especially the things which do not decompose, has the potential to congest your septic tank.
Cigarettes and other materials like diapers should never be flushed down the toilet. Similarly, cooking fats or oil shouldn't be poured down the sink. Even though these do not cause an immediate problem, they can still clog the tank over time.
All the water a household sends down its pipes ends up in its septic system. The more water a household conserves, the less water enters the septic system. Efficient water use improves the
operation of a septic system and reduces the risk of malfunctions.
Without water, we humans cannot survive, there are times when water is wasted to a large extent which isn't essentially good generally. However, septic systems also can't withstand a large influx of water, especially if usage is sustained over a course of time. It isn't something you can pour gallons and gallons of water into, expecting the tank to handle it. Heavy usage of water should thus be avoided as much as possible.
But what can be considered heavy water usage? Leaky running toilets, washing machines, dishwashers, faucets, fixtures, lateral line leaks, household guests, or even bad water-wasting habits all pave the way to an overstuffed tank. You should keep a check on the water usage and work out to fix any leakages that may be present.
Limit water-based activities like laundry in one day and spread them over multiple days instead. This way you reduce the strain on your septic system and allow it to recoup after each usage. Water conservation should become a priority for all of us and this will help keep your septic tank and surrounding environment healthy.
Don't forget you also have to pay water bills every month, using water carelessly directly puts a dent in your pocket, for what you don't even need or had to use but you still have to pay for it.
Chattanooga septic service professionals are available to investigate your system for any leaks and get it fixed as soon as possible.
Your septic tank is situated, most likely in your backyard, and most of the time, you don't really pay attention to what goes on in that area. It's important to note that any landscaping activities involving the surrounding area of your tank can have an adverse effect on the entire system itself. Planting trees or shrubs too close to the tank can lead to root intrusion. There should be no obstructions in the area, at least within 10 feet of the tank and its leaching field. Strictly avoid driving any heavy vehicles or equipment over your tank as that may cause structural damage to it.
Some people don't even open their tanks for decades because they don't have to, but that's not the way it should be. To keep your tank working properly and efficiently, regular cleaning is mandatory. The debris buildup in a septic tank can lead to an overflow of wastewater into the environment. The frequency of cleaning depends on the number of people living in your house, the volume of water usage (as discussed before), and the size of your septic tank. Once in 3 to 5 years, proper maintenance and inspection should be done by an expert septic service Chattanooga TN cleaning contractor.
Cleaning the tank in an appropriate timeline will help keep the entire system functioning without fail, avoiding any unpleasant situations. The earlier you identify a problem, the easier it is to remedy it at minimal costs. If problems aren't spotted on time, you might end up shelling out a whole lot more for repairs.
Ensuring the septic tank works right isn't just about keeping everything under control inside your home. Another important thing you should do to prevent septic problems is to keep your septic tank and drain field covered. A soothing lawn does look nice and covering the drain field allows oxygen to enter the system that is needed for bacteria to break down solid waste. But make sure you don't leave any heavy objects on it for a long time, and mowing should be done carefully so that the soil does not get compacted.
It doesn't take much to avoid those nasty septic tank problems, with just a little bit of care and maintenance you will be on your way to a healthier and happier home. We hope this blog post has given you some useful insights. If you need more help or your septic system is malfunctioning, give us a call at
Chattanooga TN septic tank repair and we will be at your place.
For more information on Flush Fellas Septic & Excavating and our services, feel free to reach us via phone today: (423) 498-9839.
Charles Chandler is the founder of Flush Fellas, a septic and excavating company based in Chattanooga, TN. With a passion for providing top-notch services to his clients, Charles has established himself as a prominent figure in the industry. He has extensive knowledge of septic systems, excavation, and drainage solutions, which he uses to offer customized services that meet the specific needs of his clients. Charles is committed to providing exceptional customer service and building long-term relationships with his clients. He is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and innovations to ensure that Flush Fellas continues to offer the best services possible.
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