Septic tank systems are very important in residential and commercial properties helping building dwellers to live comfortably and in a healthy environment. To get maximum benefits from your septic tank, you need to ensure that everything is in perfect condition with the necessary repairs and maintenance done to perfection. To achieve the best, the first step is to seek the services of a professional in the field to guide you and offer the right assistance. Amongst the problems people face with their septic tanks include clogs caused by several factors, such as roots getting into the septic tank inlet and outlet pipes. The roots multiply deep inside the septic tanks causing a strain on the entire system. One of the leading causes of roots forming in septic tanks is the presence of cracks in the structure.
Septic tank system maintenance is a critical factor that must be well executed to ensure everything is in perfect condition. The best time to check for leaks in the septic tank is when it is being pumped, so if your technician still needs to include a leak inspection in their process, ask if they could perform this task while pumping the tank. At this point, it's also a good idea to inspect the baffles to ensure they are present, intact, and intact.
(1) The thorough inspections enable you to know the fault areas and appropriately correct them saving you from the accruing damages which would cause a huge strain on the entire system and the property in general. Once the problem has been identified, then what remains is to seek a reliable solution that prevents the occurrence of the same problem and more which could affect the performance of the septic tanks. There are different ways to tighten your septic tank lines to avoid clogging, and they include the following:
You should lift the lid of the tank found closest to your home and check the concrete or plastic covering it in your yard, then look inside to see the end with a white or green pipe on the side of your home to see if anything is blocking the future. When the water level falls below the inlet piper, the clog could be in the drain pipe between your home and the septic tank. If the water level falls above the inlet, but nothing is blocking the end of the pipe, then the clog is certainly located in the lech field. The process requires that you consult with the building blueprint or the septic service provider to enable you to find the access lid to the tank.
A scum layer is a solid waste that builds on top of the septic tank and can get removed through a long piece of wood or metal. Push all the scum from the side of the inlet pipe until it fills the tanks. The
Chattanooga, TN, septic tank repair process requires that you take the necessary safety and precaution measures to prevent any health implications. You should ensure that you have gloves on while working with the septic tanks to prevent you from getting any bacteria or waste on your hands. Confirming that you have cleared the clog is when water starts flowing out of the pipe after pushing around the scum.
Using a long wooden or metallic stick, scrape the sides of the pipe and remove any waste matter from the ends of the pipe. If you find the clog at the end of the pipe, then you should break it apart without much struggle making the water start flowing once more, but if after doing all that, the water fails to flow, then what it means is that the clog is deeper inside the pipe. The proper execution of the
septic service Chattanooga process works to enable you to locate and solve the clogging problem, allowing you to tighten your septic tank lines and prevent more clogging in the future.
Septic tanks contain chemicals and smell that pose a huge risk to your health; hence you should always wear the right gear while dealing with septic tank clogging issues. Also, once you finish, you should disinfect all your tools using a five-to-one water and bleach solution. Disinfection involves pouring one part of chlorine bleach and five parts of clean water into a large bucket and mixing them evenly. Once the mixture has been done well, dip the tools and leave them to soak there for five minutes to get rid of any bacteria left on the surface. Once you finish the cleaning, pour the mixture into the septic tank and immediately shower to get rid of any stains. Finally, ensure that you use bleach or laundry sanitizer when washing your clothes if any bacteria falls on them. The proper
septic service Chattanooga TN sanitization helps you take care of your health and avoid any serious health conditions that result from faulty septic tanks.
Once you are certain that you have cleared the clog within the system, put the lid back and close it firmly so as not to leave room for dirt and soil to get into the system and cause more clogging. The right
Chattanooga septic service lid closing process involves lifting the lid and holding it over the septic tank hole, then slowly lowering the lid to cover the home completely and prevent it from moving around. If you fail to clear the clog, leave the lid open to enable you to insert a mechanical drill and close it immediately after you finish.
Septic tank clogs cause huge damage to the entire system and leave the property vulnerable to damage. Therefore, the system must be properly maintained and the septic tank lines properly fitted to avoid clogs.
For more information on Flush Fellas Septic & Excavating and our services, feel free to reach us via phone today: (423) 498-9839.
Charles Chandler is the founder of Flush Fellas, a septic and excavating company based in Chattanooga, TN. With a passion for providing top-notch services to his clients, Charles has established himself as a prominent figure in the industry. He has extensive knowledge of septic systems, excavation, and drainage solutions, which he uses to offer customized services that meet the specific needs of his clients. Charles is committed to providing exceptional customer service and building long-term relationships with his clients. He is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and innovations to ensure that Flush Fellas continues to offer the best services possible.
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